Your Future Begins Today

“Your Future Begins Today”, is truly a book the world has been waiting for. It could not have been written until the author had written 1400 daily radio shows, 1350 weekly newspaper columns, given 1700 speeches and published 9 previous books. Jim has been in the people business for over half a century.  

Here is what Judge Jim Baker, who wrote the Preface, had to say about it: “I love Jim’s compilation of simple, yet helpful reminders of how to live life. This book helped me remember that the best things in life are free. I wish I had read this book 50 years ago. Jim’s book reminds me to get rid of the past, work on the present and establish a foundation for the future.”

This book is a great read for anyone but will be especially helpful for those who are about to be released from jail or prison, recovering from drug or alcohol addiction and who have gone through divorce.

The first chapter titled, “Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot”, is perhaps the finest writing he has ever done, and is worth several times over the cost of  the book. He explains, in considerable detail, the law of “Cause &Effect” the natural law that controls everything in the universe.

This natural law simply stated means that for every cause there is an effect and for every effect there is a cause. When we operate on the right side of this law, it works for us, but when we operate on the wrong side of the law it works against us. There are many natural laws in existence but the natural law that everyone knows about is the law of gravity Get on top of a stepladder or a tall building and walk or fall off, and we will always go down, we will never go up.

It is the same with all other natural laws, they always work. When we do good things, the law works for us, when we do bad things the law works against us. This law allows us to tell our own future and also our own fortune. Here is what most people do not understand: We can choose our choices but we cannot choose the consequences of our choices. It is really quite simple: when we make good choices the law is working for us, when we make bad choices the law is working against us.

Here are some choices that work for the author: He does not do drugs, smoke, drink alcohol, use profanity, gamble, view pornography, run with immoral or ungodly people, and does his best to be honest, tell the truth, and treat others as he wishes to be treated.

Most people are very perceptive and when they learn how the law of cause and effect works, they can change their behavior to operate on the right side of this law. When parents do this it will make a tremendous difference in the lives of their children.

As a final thought the author has a special request and that is to order this book through his  website: He is the Founder of the Bookcase for Every Child literacy project – to provide bookcases and a starter set of books to pre-school children being reared in low-income families. For every 375 books sold he is providing a $1,000 grant for other Kiwanis Clubs across the nation to begin a bookcase project in their community. We have over 42 million adults in America who can’t read above level one, the 5th grade and we must change that for the sake of our country and future generations.  

For each copy, please send $20 (includes S&H) from Jim Davidson, 2 Bentley Drive, Conway, AR 72034.

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