No. 1509 — The “Foreword” For Our New Book!

For the past 17 years it has been my privilege to sit under the preaching and teaching of the most fantastic and gifted preacher I have ever known. Janis has had that privilege for over eight years, ever since we got married back in 2015. Brother Don Chandler can say more in a 20-minute sermon than most preachers can say in an hour. This is one of the primary reasons our church is growing, adding more than 100 new members for each of the past six years. Soon after Janis…

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No. 1508 — All Elected Officials Work for Taxpayers!

As I begin this most important column, I would like to do so with a little bit of humor and then I am also going to chastise the voters in my home state of Arkansas for being dead last in voter turnout in the last presidential election. Now, the humor: as the late Will Rogers has said, “Just be glad you are not getting all the government you are paying for.” One time I spoke at a banquet in Claremore, Oklahoma, and was seated next to Will Rogers’ sister. Her…

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No. 1507 — It’s an Exciting Time to Be Alive!

Here are some great thoughts that my wife Janis has written that are also in our new book titled “Keep Your Fork.” They will definitely give you something to think about. She begins, “I am saving my fork just a little longer. Will God allow those of my generation that the Bible speaks about a little more time to get the harvest in? In Matthew 24:34, the Bible says, “This generation shall not pass until all these things are fulfilled.” Most all of Matthew 24 is warning and signs of…

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No.1506 — Self-Help Books Provide an Edge!

If you were running a 100-yard dash against someone in a wheelchair, and the one in the wheelchair was given a 90-yard head start, could you still win? Well, of course not and this, in one way, is what life is all about. In life, regardless of what we are doing, if we have a good enough edge, we will still win. I have used this little analogy to introduce you to a topic that, in one way or another, affects each of our lives. The topic is simply this:…

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No. 1505 — A Great Spiritual Awakening!

If you are deeply concerned, as I am, about the direction our nation has been heading for the past several years, you may also be concerned about the future of your children and grandchildren. We certainly are here at the Davidson home. If you read my column last week when I talked about the history of our nation, you will better understand what I am going to say. Our country was founded basically by English Puritans who were being persecuted by the Church of England. Being disenchanted, they left, and…

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No. 1504 — American History is Vital for Our Future!

If you truly knew the unique history of the United States of America, you would not only love our country but teach your children to love her as well. I do and I do! A Florentine navigator by the name of Amerigo Vespucci first came to this land, as well as South America, from 1497 to 1504, and both continents are named for him. Our story really began in 1607 with the first English settlement of Jamestown, on land that is now part of the state of Virginia, but this…

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No. 1503 — A New Definition of Success!

It is just human nature to want to be successful, even outstanding, in whatever we attempt to do, including having a successful life. I have an interesting concept to share with you today that will not apply to every reader, but it is still worth thinking about. I want to share a new definition for success. This definition is very simple, and you will have to determine if it applies to you. If you happen to be married and have children, you will be successful people if all of your…

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No. 1502 — The Untaught Law of Cause & Effect

There is a natural law that operates in the universe that literally controls our lives and, for the most part, is untaught in our nation’s educational system. At least I have never known of it being taught before. This is the natural law of Cause & Effect, and as I said, it literally controls our lives. Most people do not know much about the law of Cause & Effect, which simply means that for every effect there is a cause, and for every cause there is an effect. One natural…

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No. 1501 — Be Proud to Be an American!

There are very few things in our nation that really distress me, but one of those is when I see students rioting on college campuses and waving a flag other than “Old Glory,” the stars and stripes of the United States of America. Without a doubt, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. When students come here from other countries, most do not know the background or the history of our nation and what it took for us be called the “Land of the Free…

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No. 1500 — Reducing Unwanted Teen Pregnancies

When Jim asked me to write this column, I appreciated the vote of confidence, but maybe the title should have been “Things My Mother Taught Me.” You see, my mother could be classified as the Proverbs 31 woman of the Bible. I was raised by Godly parents who both taught me many life lessons that helped me grow into adulthood as a responsible, likable young lady. I was taught to have friends, you must be friendly, likable, caring and kindhearted to everyone. Therefore, I was voted Girl Class Favorite by…

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