There is a natural law that operates in the universe that literally controls our lives and, for the most part, is untaught in our nation’s educational system. At least I have never known of it being taught before. This is the natural law of Cause & Effect, and as I said, it literally controls our lives.
Most people do not know much about the law of Cause & Effect, which simply means that for every effect there is a cause, and for every cause there is an effect. One natural law we DO all know about is the law of gravity. We know that if we get on top of a building or stepladder and fall or walk off, we will ALWAYS go down, we will NEVER go up. And this is how all natural laws work. As I have already said, the natural law of Cause & Effect literally controls our lives.
Here is the good news: when we know and understand how this law works, we can literally control our lives and can also teach it to our children and grandchildren. As a starting point we all know that our lives are controlled by the choices we make. If we make good choices, we have good things happen to us. If we make bad choices, we have bad things happen to us.
Here are some choices that I have made that work for me. I don’t use drugs, smoke, vape, drink alcohol, gamble, use profanity or run with immoral or ungodly people. I do my best to be honest, tell the truth and treat others as I wish to be treated. As a result of this, I have never been in a drug or alcohol treatment program, I have never been drunk and driven an automobile and run into a carload of innocent people.
Here is a good example, in my own family, of what happens when people make poor or bad choices. We know from research that when people smoke cigarettes it causes lung cancer. I had a sister and an uncle who started smoking when they were young, and they both became “chain smokers.” Sad to say, way before their time, they both passed away from lung cancer. This is just one example of what happens when people make poor choices.
There are also dozens of other natural and success laws that are not being taught in our nation’s educational system. In our new book, “Keep Your Fork,” I list about 35 different ones. I truly believe that if a person just studied each of these laws and how to apply them, they would have a pretty good education. There is something else a lot of people don’t have much of, and that is something we call common sense. When our book comes out, hope you will get a copy and study these laws.
They include: The Law of Abundance, The Law of Advantage, The Law of Appreciation, The Law of Chance, The Law of Compensation, The Law of Conditional Response, The Law of Courage, The Law of Example, The Law of Fear, The Law of Goals, The Law of Love, The Law of Loyalty, The Law of Idleness, The Law of Instincts, The Law of Reason, The Law of Self-Preservation, and The Law of Words. This is not just to learn these laws for ourselves, but to teach our children and grandchildren as well.
—(Jim Davidson is an author, public speaker, syndicated columnist, and Founder of the Bookcase for Every Child project. Since its inception in the Log Cabin Democrat in 1995, Jim’s column has been self-syndicated in over 375 newspapers in 35 states. For a personalized copy of “Your Future Begins Today” send $20, which includes postage and handling, to Jim Davidson, 2 Bentley Drive, Conway, AR 72034.)