No. 1378 — Rex Nelson: A Living Legend

There are not many people alive, who I know personally, that I could call a legend. During our visit today I want to tell you about one of them. His name is Rex Nelson, originally from Arkadelphia, Arkansas, who is having a career that would be the envy of hundreds of people. He spoke to our Kiwanis Club recently, and here are the comments made by another Kiwanian, Don Potter, who always puts the speaker’s photo and a little information about him or her on Facebook each week. Here is…

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On Nov. 7, 2021, to commemorate what would have been his father’s 103rd birthday, Franklin Graham told us about his father’s favorite meal. Of course, his father was the famous Dr. Billy Graham who passed away in 2018 at the ripe old age of 99, leaving a legacy that will never be equaled again. During his lifetime as an evangelist, Dr. Graham preached to more people and won more people to Christ than any other person in the modern era. If you could have seen the size of the crowds, not…


No. 1376 — The Best Things in Life Are Free!

This column is dedicated to my good friend, Faulkner County Judge Jim Baker, as he gave me the idea for it. He also caused me to stop and think about all the great things I have that are free and did not cost me a cent in terms of money. Hopefully, my words will cause you to stop and think about all the great things you have that are free as well. In the preface for my new book, “Your Future Begins Today,” Jim states: “This book helped me remember…

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You know, there is one thing about life that I have discovered, and that is no matter how much experience you have or how much you have been doing a particular thing, you will always discover things or run across things that you have never heard of before. Such is the case for me today, thanks to my good friend Colleen Holt, who edits my column and is also the communications specialist for the First United Methodist Church here in Conway. She is well aware that I am the founder…


No. 1374 — Migration of the Monarch Butterfly!

Every once in a while, here at our home in Arkansas, we see a beautiful monarch butterfly. Both Janis and I love them because they are so beautiful, but that is about all we knew about them. That was until I got to be friends with a fellow Kiwanian by the name of David DeRosa. David did a program for our club a while back about the monarch butterfly, but sadly I had to miss this particular meeting because it came at a time when Janis was in the hospital…

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No. 1373 — A Chance to Do Better!

Several years ago, Dr. Heartsill Wilson wrote a quote of inspiration titled “The Beginning of a New Day” that has helped a lot of people take stock of where they are and have made a commitment to do better in the future. First, let me give you the quote, and then I have some follow-up comments to make. “This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today…

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No. 1372 — Rules to Teach Your Daughter!

Being able to read is one of the greatest blessings any of us could ever have. Those of us who are literate have doors open for us every day that are not there for those who cannot read. According to ProLiteracy, there are more than 43 million American adults who cannot read and function in society above a third-grade level. Of all the things the Lord has helped me achieve over the years, the one thing that brings more satisfaction than anything else is the Conway Bookcase Project that I…

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No. 1371 — The Kiwanis Youth Camp!

As I look back over my life and the 50-plus years of being in business for myself, I realize that some of the greatest blessings I have had include being a member of some really good civic clubs. Let me be quick to add that, because of a number of valid reasons like health, travel, schedule and work, it is not possible for many people to be a part of a civic club. The theme of most all civic clubs is “service” and giving back to help those less fortunate…

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It has long been my philosophy that if we are going to learn something truly worthwhile, we need to learn from the best. For today’s topic “Questions to Ask Yourself,” I am indebted to my good friend Coach Cliff Garrison, long-time basketball coach of the Hendrix College Warriors here in Conway, and one of the all-time winningest coaches in our state. Cliff also shares my philosophy about learning from the best, and that is why he is a long-time student of Coach John Wooden, who won 10 national basketball championships.…

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Have you ever had a television commercial completely turn you off? Well, I have and each time I see it I am reminded of how far our society has fallen over the past several decades. This is a commercial sponsored by a Pine Bluff casino that opened several months ago. It features a piano playing entertainer who can also sing. He is really good and not only uses body gyrations to set the mood but also drags his foot across the keys to showcase his skills. The people they have…

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